Dear Friends

In former days as a family doctor, I often invoked an image of waves on the shoreline to help illustrate the reality of life’s ‘ebb and flow’. I found folk less questioning when ‘in the flow’, cracking on with life, but sometimes in need of reassurance when energy seemed to have ebbed away; at these times I encouraged acceptance of the pause as a natural reality and a chance for fruitful reflection.

Waves on the shoreline also underlie the latest of our Journeys in Design, “SALVAGE Scotland: a Maritime SOS”, collaborating with a set of inspiring creatives in a voyage around the coasts of Scotland, exploring local sustainable design initiatives and circular economies at sea. In the wake of United Nations World Oceans Day, we look forward to welcoming you on board as we set sail around Scotland in July.

During the pandemic, many of us have grasped the notion that Mother Nature is at work, putting us on pause and offering us some time to think afresh about the future, the enforced tranquility and ebb in activity enabling reflection and re-evaluation.

Covid19 has offered the world a uniquely global reference point. As we design our way out of current challenges, we have a chance to redefine the word progress, flowing more in tune with our environment: we can offer Planet Earth a seat at the design table ensuring the ‘new normal’ works not for just a few but for all of nature’s diverse components.

I’m very grateful to our core team of colleagues and am as ever inspired by the efforts of Scotland’s wider creative community, particularly in recent months.

With very best wishes
on behalf of all the team,

John Ennis, Curator Producer, Journeys in Design 

Catch up on our recent Journeys with these links:

Creative Encounters: chatting with creative and practitioners across Scotland and beyond
Chasing Rainbows 2020: your rainbows on show