Dear Friends

A big thank you to each of our experts offering their insights along a new walking route in Edinburgh celebrating contemporary design initiatives in the capital and introducing our new programme, Concrete Designs to Thrive.

Artists, Archivists, Activists and Designers help bring focus to our themes: Meet, Nest, Learn and Pray, essential acts of life that guide our Concrete journeys in design in the months to come, and this week including Play, Heal and Vote.

View the route hereand register here to join us as we complete our of our ‘concrete walk in the capital’ this week.

This newsletter leads with an image of Riddles Court archway, where our Concrete Walk by Design began last week. It is inscribed with the legend ‘Vivendo Discimus’: By Living We Learn. This call to action by Sir Patrick Geddes, issued more than 100 years ago, serves to complement his triad ‘Hand Heart Head’ as our new programme moves into action on the ground, to support and enable local and compassionate calls for well-being by design.

Core within our new programme, we explore the relationship between photography and the built environment. In this endeavour, we are delighted to partner with the Scottish Society for the History of Photography.

SSHoP have been key protagonists in promoting the pleasure and understanding of photography in Scotland with lectures, publications, exhibitions, and workshops reflecting the country’s deep affinity with past and contemporary practice.

This month, further inspired by the legacy of Patrick Geddes, we draw your attention to Leaves,a new journal from SSHoP, edited by Sara Stevenson, former Chief Curator of Photography at the National Galleries of Scotland. Stunning work from leading photographers is married to a magical mix of essays and poems, with focus on the power of nature to generate health and wellbeing. Publication of the journal was prompted by concern for the fate of local hospital grounds and in support of the Astlee Ainslee Community Trust. 

As summer unfolds in the northern hemisphere and nature encroaches so vitally and vibrantly, I hope you might take time to walk with nature in mind yourself, drawing on its power to restore and regenerate.

With best wishes from all the team,
John Ennis, Curator Producer, 
Journeys in Design