Our Linen Stories exhibitions attracted several active and retired teachers who shared a joy in the potential for these stories to enliven their lesson plans – several generous people shared the resources they had developed. We are keen to honour these conversations and gifts.
Journeys in Design supports the development of learning modules around the cultures of flax fibre and linen in Scotland, mapping to the Curriculum for Excellence, keen to partner with primary and secondary schools in localities throughout the country.
The Hopetoun Stook
Our Flax Patch in Hopetoun Crescent Garden in central Edinburgh allows this project to grow in 2023, joining the Outdoor Classroom initiative devised by Jenny Bruce of the Hopetoun Crescent Garden Team. Thanks to the head and staff of one local primary school, we are co-designing 4 modules linked to the curriculum, working between classroom, school yard and garden. We are also drawing on local creative talent, to offer hands on demonstration.
- ‘Sowing our Flax Patch’ – feet in the soil – learning about cultivation, soil health, biodiversity, eco-agriculture
- ‘Linen Then and Now’ – head in history – learning about local heritage, family histories, exploring archives
- ‘From Straw into Gold’ – hands on flax – learning about bast fibres while processing raw flax into fibres
- ‘Twist, Spin and Weave’ – fibre between fingers – learning about bast fibres, making yarn, cord and cloth
We look forward to writing up a Report Card for you through this growing season.
Let us know about your Teaching and Learning experience.
Do you have experience of ‘learning with linen’ at primary or secondary level? Please do get in touch if you would like to share your thinking and doing.
Others have paved the way too. In N.Ireland, the Ulster Scots Society have worked in partnership with their Council for Curriculum to devise ‘The Story of Linen’, which provides a wide range of cross-curricular lessons and the resources required to teach them.
In East London, textiles guru Paul Henry has worked in primary schools to go from images of Egyptian Mummies wrapped in linen, to creating linen bandaging produced from flax grown in the school playgrounds.
You can hear more from Paul during our Think Global Grow Local Roundtable presentations HERE